What are personality traps

What are personality traps ?

Personality traps are one of the important concepts in psychology and the treatment of problems related to the soul and spirit, which are not very visible and many people ignore them. This is the reason why many of these people’s problems cannot be solved despite doing different things.

According to these explanations, everyone needs to have general information about these traps so that if they fall into them, they can understand it faster and refer to a psychotherapist or counselor to solve it. But “what is a personality trap” and “what are its types?”.

What is a personality trap?

Personality traps are actually cycles of belief that have formed in us. The formation of these traps has taken a long time and that is why many people have not noticed it. Of course, not knowing them properly has a great effect on this matter.

For the first time, Jeffrey Young, the founder of Schema Therapy Institute, introduced this issue in the book “Recreate Your Life” and provided explanations about its various aspects. In many cases, not knowing the schema has caused us to fail in various tasks and not reach our goals. So you should know them well.

To treat these traps, you need to use a treatment plan. The results of different people and their success in this type of treatment are very many. Many of them had tried other methods, but they did not get the result. Therefore, we recommend that you take it seriously.

What are the types of personality traps?

What is a personality trap?

After getting to know the definition of personality traps and their treatment method, it is time to know their types. For this reason and to help you in this direction, we will mention the name of each one below and give a brief explanation about each of them.

  1. Vulnerability trap

A person in this type of trap is afraid of something that has not happened yet. He feels, this will happen soon and he will suffer from this incident. This fear can be about many events such as heart attacks, AIDS and medical disasters in general; An elevator fall, becoming a victim of a criminal, a plane crash, an earthquake, and other external events. Solving marital relationship problems through couple therapy

  1. Entitlement trap

A person who has a trap of entitlement feels that he has a much higher value and position than other people, because of this position he has special rights and should not follow any laws. These people insist on achieving their own desires, even if these desires are not reasonable and cause huge financial and life costs for different people. A person suffering from this trap loves intense competition and dominating others, and does this in an inconspicuous way. Premarital counseling

  1. Obedience trap

A person who has the trap of submissiveness easily and often submits to different people in order to escape from their anger and discomfort. This type of patient does not care much about himself and feels that his beliefs are not important and that he is more dominated by other people. Different people suffering from this trap suppress their desires, desires and anger and do not care about them.

  1. The trap of mistrust and misbehavior

A person in this type of personality trap feels that others always intend to hurt, betray, lie to him and humiliate him. If something happens and they get hurt, they consider the incident to be intentional or the result of unwarranted negligence. The feeling of being cheated is very common among them and they label their spouse or partner as a traitor.

  1. The release trap

This person feels mistrust towards those who take care of him. He has a very strong sense of loneliness and thinks that people close to him are not able to support him financially, emotionally and socially, because they are not stable, or they may leave this person due to other goals or events such as death.

  1. Trap failure

This trap can be recognized by feeling weak compared to peers, feeling constant failure and lack of success. This person shows in his mind that he is stupid, useless, untalented and careless and has not been able to achieve any success in life.

  1. Social exclusion trap

A person suffering from this personality trap feels that he is different from others and is not suitable for establishing a social relationship with them. For this reason, in adulthood, he distances himself from society, does not establish friendship or emotional relationships, and tends to isolate himself and stay at home.

  1. Emotional deprivation trap

In this type of trap, the person likes that the emotional support he expects from the people around him is not met. This type of personality trap manifests itself in three forms: deprivation of nurturing such as lack of attention, affection, warmth in relationship or companionship, deprivation of empathy including lack of understanding, listening, self-disclosure or mutual sharing of feelings by others, and deprivation of protection such as lack of power. , direction, or guidance of others; show to others.

  1. Trap strict criteria

A person with this type of problem makes a lot of effort to achieve success and victory, because the expectations from him were too much since childhood. If these people fail, they face emotional damage because it is considered a disgrace for them.

What is a personality trap?

  1. Violation/shame trap

The person in question feels an external or internal defect and humiliation. This person imagines that if his safety is threatened, no one will come to his aid and it does not matter to other people.

  1. The dependency trap

The person has the idea of incompetence to perform the tasks assigned to him. These people are often helpless and cannot do their jobs well.

Recognize personality traps

Personality traps in many cases cause great obstacles in the life of each person and prevent them from achieving various successes. So you should know them. For this reason, in this article, you will find brief explanations about them to achieve this knowledge.

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