Treatment of nervous laughter

Treatment of nervous laughter

What are the methods of treating nervous laughter?

Have you ever laughed out of anger in situations where you shouldn’t? Is it hard to control your laughter and you don’t know what to do? We recommend that you read the following material carefully to get familiar with the methods of treating nervous laughter.

What is meant by nervous laughter?

When people get nervous for any reason, supposedly emotional reasons, etc., they may also experience nervous laughter.

These people laugh nervously in inappropriate situations.

Generally, nervous laughter is considered as a defense mechanism, because a person tries to avoid harming his feelings with nervous laughter and adjusts his feelings and emotions with nervous laughter. prevent being affected by different emotions and situations.

Why do we laugh nervously?

Generally, people who laugh nervously when they feel uncomfortable, face tensions and.. laugh nervously.

If people have nervous laughter and repeat this action excessively in many situations, they may have problems in their social relations and this may also cause discomfort to others.

People who cannot control their nervous laughter often have an underlying disease and need to treat nervous laughter by a specialist therapist as soon as possible.

Often, with nervous laughter, one tries to make the situation and conditions good for oneself, even in front of others, and hide feelings such as discomfort. More explanations are provided below.

Why is nervous laughter problematic?

We must say that nervous laughter makes it impossible to communicate well with others, because if people are in uncomfortable situations with others and laugh nervously when others are upset, this can also cause misunderstandings. It has become in them and hurt their feelings. For this reason, it is important to treat nervous laughter so as not to face these problems.

What are the causes of nervous laughter?

Why do we laugh nervously?

People get nervous laughter for many reasons, supposedly psychological or emotional, although the occurrence of nervous laughter cannot be limited to these reasons only, because some diseases that are not mental can also cause nervous laughter.

Several reasons can cause nervous laughter, some of which are:

     Being in situations that are inappropriate and unpleasant for a person

     Talking about past and present traumas

     Feelings of fear, stress and anxiety

     Nervous disorders, including epilepsy and Lugrig, etc.


     Brain Tumor


If there are other reasons that can cause nervous laughter in people, we will mention some of the most important ones.

position reversal

One of the reasons that can cause nervous laughter is that a person tries to deal with and react to an uncomfortable situation with an unnatural reaction that does not fit the situation. Marriage counseling

If this reaction is not involuntary, it is because the body tries to distract the person from the situation he is in by causing nervous laughter. In this way, the person can better cope with the situation in which they are placed.

the blind

Kuro is an infectious disease, due to which some molecules accumulate in the brain tissue, and it causes a person to be unable to respond emotionally in various situations when an emotional illness occurs.

worry and anxiety

Some people unconsciously have nervous laughs when they have many worries. Now the current situation has a lot of influence in this field.

Generally, these people try to reduce their anger and discomfort with nervous laughter in order to eliminate the negative energy in themselves caused by anxiety.

Overactive thyroid

When many hormones are produced by the pituitary gland, people have an overactive thyroid, because of this, these hormones cause many discomforts and problems, including nervous laughter.


For this reason, since the cause of nervous laughter is variable, it is recommended to consult a specialist therapist for the diagnosis and treatment of nervous laughter.

What are the ways to control nervous laughter?

Maybe the question arises, how to treat nervous laughter!

Since nervous laughter may cause feelings of weakness and guilt, it is necessary to treat nervous laughter as soon as possible. Because if this laughter becomes severe, people may have problems in their lives. People laugh involuntarily even in serious situations where you shouldn’t laugh.

at some point even though you have to understand how to Treating the busy mind for having a good condition.

Therefore, some effective methods in the treatment of nervous laughter are:

What are the ways to control nervous laughter?

  1. Meditation

One of the methods that can calm people’s minds is meditation.

In this matter, instead of focusing on negative and difficult energies, people also pay attention to positive issues, which also helps people to have better feelings and more peace of mind over time.

  1. Paying attention to what others say

One of the ways to treat nervous laughing is to pay attention to what others are saying. This will make you feel more relaxed and distracted instead of focusing on your own behavior.

  1. Deep breathing

When you feel that you are going to get upset and nervous about something and start laughing, try to take a deep breath, this way you will get rid of stress and discomfort and you will feel better.

  1. Music

Listen to soothing music and avoid listening to music that makes you feel angry and upset because this will help you calm your mind by listening to soothing music.

  1. Art

When you use your creativity, you can immerse yourself in a world free from worries and anxieties.. draw, write and..

This can help you treat nervous laughter because you can reduce the likelihood of nervous laughter with artwork when you are upset and angry.

  1. Apologize

It is very important to apologize to the other party if you involuntarily laugh nervously in an inappropriate situation, because if you constantly avoid this, you may get used to laughing nervously and inappropriately and cause discomfort to others, but you can By apologizing, show that you value the other person’s feelings and that you are trying to treat nervous laughter professionally.

  1. Don’t put yourself in a tight spot

You don’t need to be hard on yourself to treat your nervous laughter to correct it overnight because since nervous laughter has become a habit for you, you need to be a little patient to improve the situation.

There is no need to blame yourself, because doing so will only make you feel bad about yourself and you will not have enough motivation and willpower to reduce and control your nervous laughter.

  1. To empathize

If you have a nervous laugh in a situation with others, it is good after taking deep breaths and counting which we will mention below, try to understand people’s feelings in some way and imagine these feelings for a better effect and result.

You can start by asking questions from the other party, when he tells you something that upsets you, ask him about it, for example:

This method may take some time and you may experience feelings of discomfort or you may not perform this exercise well, but be sure that over time, with this method, you can have some control over your nervous laughter and laugh in various situations. Don’t be nervous.

  1. Counting

You can also calm your mind by counting the numbers that you have determined the final number for yourself.

  1. Away from the situation

We know that it is not possible to reduce and eliminate the occurrence of uncomfortable situations or events by itself, but when you feel uncomfortable and angry in public, try to get away from the environment before you face nervous laughter.

Maybe you say to yourself, what should we do in the middle of the party at home? You can use the bathroom and use it to control your emotions.

  1. Therapy counseling sessions

You can attend psychological counseling sessions to control and treat nervous laughter, because with the help of a psychologist, you can find your desired goals in order to reduce and control nervous laughter and gradually, with the guidance of the therapist in individual counseling sessions, to Treatment of nervous laughter.

  1. Recognition

Do you know why you laugh nervously? In what situations do you laugh the most? Get the answers to these questions and take action for treatment.

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