Signs of a failed marriage

Signs of a failed marriage

Every relationship has its ups and downs, but love makes it stable. And when love is lost, it becomes difficult for the couple to continue the relationship. If you feel that intimacy between you and your partner is lacking and you are always fighting, you are probably in a failed marriage. In this post, we don’t want to talk about husband and wife fights. But if you or your partner have to stay together, then a job is lame.

A marriage can come to an end for a variety of reasons, including infidelity, abuse or controlling behavior, or simply the loss of love. In this post, we’ve talked more about the signs of a failing marriage, and what you can do about it.

Signs of a failed marriage

It can be difficult to tell if you are in a failed marriage because the signs are subtle and most of them are signs of common conflicts in any marriage. The signs of an unsuccessful marriage are listed below. Look for these signs to discover that you are in a failing marriage.

Less communication, more conflict:

One of the profound signs of a successful marriage is the way you talk to each other. If you are constantly fighting with your partner over trivial things and this fight goes on for days on end followed by weeks of silence, then you are not in a happy marriage. On the other hand, you may not fight at all but bitterness builds and you drift away from each other silently.

You never have time for “us”:

Don’t have time for each other? When one does not receive enough attention, it often leads to depression and hopelessness. If you or your partner constantly find ways to avoid each other and don’t spend long periods of time spending quality time together, it could be a sign of an unhappy marriage.

You are not together:

One of the best things that can happen in a relationship is receiving emotional support from your partner. But if you hardly share your feelings or support and empathize with each other, it is not a sign of a healthy relationship.

You become sensitive:

You become sensitive:

Qualities that you used to ignore in your partner, now annoy you. For example, your spouse has a talent for conversation and influencing people of the opposite sex. You know about it but you never took it seriously. But now you can’t take it anymore.

Physical intimacy decreases:

Physical intimacy is a way to express love to each other. You may not be very active in the early days of your marriage, but if your number of physical intimacy is 10-15 times a year, then that is a red flag.

Only “I” matters:

In a failed marriage, you no longer compromise for your partner. For example, you suddenly resume a job that you left behind because of your spouse. You give more importance to your own needs and rarely think about how it affects your partner.

The relationship is no longer a priority:

“The grass is green when you water it.” As long as you nurture your marriage, it is healthy and vibrant. But when you ignore it, it withers away. For example, when your spouse accepts a job away from you, it can affect your marriage.

You are abused and controlled:

You are always criticized and ridiculed and your values and opinions are ignored. Worse, your spouse abuses you and resorts to violence. In cases of domestic violence, you should talk to your family or friends and seek therapeutic solutions.

If you’ve been in a relationship for a while, you might be used to the pain. The future of your children, financial insecurity or some other obligations may make you continue in the relationship. However, it is better to know how dissatisfaction in the relationship will affect you and your family. related content : The skill of saying no

Effects of a failed marriage

A bad marriage is like a leak in a boat, the more you ignore it, the faster you sink the ship. Here we examine the impact of an unhappy marriage on your life.

Effect on yourself:

An unhappy marriage can cause health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes and heart problems. And to relieve the tension, couples may turn to alcohol, smoking, or extramarital affairs, which will only cause more trouble.

Effects on children:

If you are in a relationship because of your children, then think again. Because a failed marriage does not create healthy and happy conditions for children at home. They don’t get the support and love they are supposed to get. Such an environment may lead to long-term emotional issues in the child.

Impact on the family:

Marriage is about teamwork, about how you both work together to fulfill your family’s responsibilities. When there is no peace in your heaven, you cannot please your parents and your spouse’s parents. Your fights and incompatibility will be transferred to other family members. To avoid such effects on you and your family, you may have to decide to stay in the relationship and work on it or leave it.

Should you stay or leave a bad marriage?

The answer lies within you and your partner. It is you who should decide because it all depends on your emotional state and feelings towards each other.

If the reason for your dissatisfaction is because of infidelity, abusive behavior or addiction, then you can leave because it may cause permanent damage. But if the partner made a mistake and sincerely wants to make up for it, it is better to give him a chance. On the other hand, if you were once in a thriving relationship, then definitely talk to your partner and work on the relationship. You may need couples therapy.

So, before jumping to conclusions, try to consider everything to save the relationship. But when you are absolutely sure that you have tried everything without any progress, then make a decision that is best for you and your children.

what’s the solution?

You cannot seek magical changes without any effort. Take matters into your own hands and bring happiness into your life by working to improve your relationship. marriage counseling christian

  1. Healing a failed marriage

If you decide to stay and repair your relationship, have an honest conversation with your partner before you begin the healing process because you both need to work together.

Initial diagnosis and help request:

Don’t wait until you both start resenting each other. It is easier to repair when the conflict is still in the emergent stage than in the later stage. This does not mean that you make a big problem out of trivial things. Pay attention to the signs mentioned above and act according to them.

Listen to each other:

Anyone who is in a relationship and has fear, irritation, and pain expects to be heard. The next time your partner talks about spending time together, listen and understand instead of blaming and blaming.

Make your marriage your first priority:

It’s time to put your relationship at the top of your priority list. Try to get both of you back on track. And then you’ll be surprised how happy you can be in your relationship.

Stop thinking about divorce:

When you decide to work on the relationship, put the thought of separation out of your mind. Remember, you can’t get back to normal overnight. You hit a dead end, but don’t be discouraged. Try again, focus and try to fall in love.

Be faithful:

Do not repeat past mistakes. Let go of your pride, because it’s not worth losing your partner. If you have cheated on your partner, take responsibility for coming clean about it. Never make him doubt again. If you are angry, tell him; and if you are happy, tell them.

  1. Divorce

Consider this option only when you are 100% sure of your feelings and ready for the outcome. Divorce is not an easy process and you have to be strong enough to get through it. However, if divorce is the only option, don’t hesitate. It can be painful now but will improve with time.

If you have children, explain to them why you have to make this decision, but don’t blame your partner for it. Take some time to face this injury yourself. Go to divorce counseling and learn how to get out of this situation. Finally, distract yourself and focus on your schedule, get a job, and work on rebuilding your life. Read the article New life after divorce Trying to improve a successful marriage requires hard work and commitment. But after success, you can be in a long term relationship. At the same time, trying to revive a dead relationship is like watering a dead plant and waiting for it to bloom. So, decide after considering its pros and cons.

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