sex therapy

sex therapy

Sex therapy or the treatment of sexual problems is a type of psychotherapy that is used to solve sexual problems between husband and wife. If you have problems in sexual and emotional relations with your spouse, you can improve the dissatisfactions related to sexual issues with the help of a sex therapy consultant.

It may seem difficult for some people to discuss sexual issues and concerns with a professional counselor at first. But you can do this with a consultant who is a stranger or alone without the presence of your spouse. Although these issues are very common. But it’s worth taking action to improve your sex life.

Providing sex therapy services at Nik Dad Counseling Center

In the life of a couple, having healthy sexual relations is of great importance, and therefore both parties must be fully satisfied with this issue. Therefore, it is necessary for couples to acquire skills for more satisfaction and satisfaction from marital relations. Of course, some of these skills are generally examined in premarital counseling.

It should be kept in mind that only people involved with sexual problems are not able to use sex therapy services, and this dimension of psychology includes various cases, and you can get the best counseling and treatment techniques by referring to a sex therapy psychologist.

When to go to sex therapy?

The field of sexual issues is very broad and people may refer to a sex therapist for many reasons.

However, in general, people who have problems in their sexual relations with their emotional partners and their quality of life has been overshadowed due to sexual problems, it is strongly recommended to refer to a sex therapy consultant. A sex therapist can also be a very suitable option for teenagers who are worried about their sexual issues.

In general, the cases involving sex therapy can be considered as follows:

Treating and solving sexual problems of couples

Helping to treat people’s sexual dissatisfaction

Treatment of ejaculation and erection

Ensuring the sexual health of couples

Treatment of painful intercourse

The problem of vaginismus

Solving the problem of low sexual desire and having a feeling of repulsion towards sexual communication

Not experiencing the pleasure of sex

Fix problems related to orgasm

Treatment of painful intercourse

The problem of vaginismus

Feeling guilty about sex

Help to treat male impotence

Helping to treat couples’ impotence

The mentioned cases are examined and treated with the help of a sex therapist. At Nik Dodd Counseling Center, a psychologist and sex therapy specialist studies the sexual behavior of people in a targeted manner and finds and solves the problem in an expert manner. Sexual problems are treated in this center using the latest techniques.

Cold treatment for women

One of the common problems among women is cold temper. Coldness means not experiencing pleasure from sex and not wanting to have sex. Cold temper is a kind of sexual disorder that should be treated with the help of a sex therapist.

Treatment of erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction actually means a person’s inability to achieve or maintain an erection of the penis. This prevents the possibility of having sex. Of course, occasional erections cannot be considered a disorder and sometimes a person may lose his ability due to stress. But if this problem keeps repeating, it is considered a disorder. In case of need, you must consult a sex therapy consultant.

Premature ejaculation problem

Premature ejaculation occurs when a man ejaculates earlier than expected during intercourse. Premature ejaculation is also a sexual disorder that many people are involved in these days, and according to statistics, one out of every three men will have this problem at some point.

In general, people suffering from premature ejaculation experience the following:

satisfaction in less than a minute after penetration; Always or almost always

Inability to delay ejaculation during sex

Having feelings of fear and despair and avoiding sex

Of course, it should be noted that the occasional experience of these things does not mean premature ejaculation, and only people who almost always experience the above things have premature ejaculation. In this case, a person must consult a sex therapist. With new treatment techniques, treatment is possible. Individual counseling steps

Experiencing vaginismus or painful intercourse

In this disorder, the person involuntarily contracts his pelvic muscles during intercourse. This contraction is to the extent that it will make sex painful and even impossible, inserting tampons or women’s examinations. This disorder causes the person to contract his pelvic muscles spontaneously and completely involuntarily as soon as he realizes that something is going to enter the vagina. Sometimes the intensity of these contractions may be so strong that it leads to a person’s breathlessness.

What characteristics should a good sex therapist have?

The complexity of some sexual disorders is much higher compared to other psychological disorders, and choosing a professional and expert sex therapist will not be an easy task at all. In the following, we will examine some of the characteristics of a professional sex therapist:

A good sex therapist should examine the sexual problem completely and comprehensively and take the appropriate method to treat it;

It can be safely said that more than 95% of sex therapists use behavioral therapy or drug therapy to solve the sexual problem of their clients, and these two methods will only lead to the relief of the sexual problem in many cases. . This is despite the fact that for the basic treatment of the problem, the desired disorder must be rooted and the desired sex therapist must be fully proficient in dynamic treatments;

The sex therapist must have good morals so that you can express your problem without embarrassment and discomfort;

A sex therapist, like any other doctor, must keep the secrets of his patients confidential and keep your words and information safe.

In no way should the sex therapist allow himself to judge and prejudice you;

During the treatment session, no physical examination or contact should take place.

Couples’ satisfaction with sexual relations in their life together is one of the most important things, and according to family counseling psychologists, dissatisfaction with sexual relations is the reason for many divorces.

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