Premature ejaculation counseling

Premature ejaculation counseling

Will premature ejaculation counseling cure premature ejaculation? Should couples be present in premature ejaculation counseling sessions or is a man enough? At what point should you consult for premature ejaculation?

What is premature ejaculation disorder?

Premature ejaculation is one of the most common ejaculation disorders in men. On average, one out of three men suffer from premature ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation means that ejaculation happens much earlier than expected by him or his sexual partner (almost less than two minutes). Every man may suffer from this condition at some point in his life and this is not a problem. Premature ejaculation will become premature ejaculation disorder when premature ejaculation occurs frequently or over a long period of time.

Do premature men have the ability to satisfy their spouses?

Unfortunately, premature ejaculation people do not have the ability to satisfy their spouses because after a complete erection and immediately after the start of (intimate) sexual intercourse with their sexual partner, they reach orgasm and ejaculation. As a result, there is no chance for the sexual partner to reach orgasm. Premature ejaculation in men causes depression, anxiety and frustration, as well as increasing feelings of dissatisfaction between couples.

How many minutes is the normal ejaculation time for men?

Premature ejaculation counseling

In premature ejaculation counseling sessions, the most frequently asked question is what is the standard duration of ejaculation for men. Mashar will definitely tell you the following in the early ejaculation counseling sessions;

Sex is a two-way relationship and what happens in it should satisfy both parties. The duration of ejaculation in men has many factors; Therefore, this period of time is different for each person.

It is not possible to consider a specific time as the standard ejaculation time and measure everyone according to it, but according to the research, this time period is between 5 and 10 minutes. Also, ejaculation less than 2 minutes and more than 20 minutes are called premature ejaculation and delayed ejaculation, respectively. Post divorce counseling

The reason for premature ejaculation in men

In premature ejaculation counseling sessions, the factors of premature ejaculation in men are examined and usually the cause of premature ejaculation in men is one of the following;

     old age

     Hereditary and genetic factors

     Serotonin deficiency

     Diabetes mellitus and glaucoma

     Liver cell dysfunction

     physical maturity

     Stress during the relationship

     Bladder infections

     Mental illnesses, especially depression

     Physiological distress

Men’s premature ejaculation symptoms?

All men may experience premature ejaculation at one point or another in their lives. In some cases, it has been observed that they experience premature ejaculation every once in a while.

Remember that premature ejaculation is only a concern and is known as premature ejaculation disorder if it happens continuously or for a long time. It is at this time that a person needs premature ejaculation counseling.

One of the most important symptoms of premature ejaculation (PE) in men is the shortness of sexual intercourse (intimacy). As a result of this disorder, the time period of sexual intercourse from the beginning to ejaculation may last between one to three minutes or even less.

Should we go to the doctor to treat premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation counseling

From the conversations of couples in premature ejaculation counseling sessions, we can understand that premature ejaculation can disrupt emotional and family relationships and lead to many mental and emotional problems. So, if you see any of the following symptoms, seek premature ejaculation counseling as soon as possible and be sure to take advantage of sexual counseling.

     Constantly experiencing premature ejaculation in a relatively short period of time

     Lack of self-confidence, worry and anxiety

     Feeling unable to have a pleasurable sexual relationship

     Failure to form an intimate relationship with a sexual partner

     Sexual isolation

Treatment of premature ejaculation in men

There are many ways to increase the duration of sex. There are a number of health products, sports exercises and special activities that can be effective in this field.

Does delay spray cure premature ejaculation?

The delay spray is focused on delaying ejaculation. The mechanism of the sprays is that it works on the penis using a local anesthetic, so that the person feels the feelings of love and intercourse with less intensity. According to research, if you use the delay spray 5 minutes before sex, you will have better control over ejaculation and experience more sexual satisfaction.

Long sex experience with delay pills

There are many pills to increase the duration of ejaculation. According to medicalnewstoday, the following drugs can act as delayed-release tablets:


     Antidepressants such as serotonin reuptake inhibitors

     ED pills



You should consult a pharmacist before using any type of delayed-release pill. Because these drugs have side effects along with their benefits.

A suitable condom to prevent premature ejaculation

There are different types of condoms that contain delaying substances and can help you manage the optimal time of your sex. According to Healthline, delayed condoms are as follows:

     Oily condoms

     Trojan condom

     Okamoto Krone condoms

     Lifestyle condoms

     Durex Performax Intense condom

Kegel exercise and prevention of premature ejaculation

Exercising the pelvic floor muscles, known as Kegels, plays an important role in increasing the duration of sex. In fact, the pelvic floor muscles help to support the bladder and increase the duration of ejaculation and sex. Exercises designed to strengthen this muscle group can help improve your ability to delay orgasm.

Kegel exercises are recommended for both sexes (men and women) because just as they can help men, they can also help women. The important point in this regard is that in order to achieve a desired result, you must have continuity and commitment in performing these exercises.

Can you prevent premature ejaculation by flirting before sex?

no Flirting and foreplay before sex causes you to have sexual desire, and you may reach the peak of sexual pleasure as soon as you start intimacy or penetration, for this reason, satisfaction happens sooner than you expect. marriage counseling christian

Suitable position to prevent premature ejaculation

Some positions are aimed at increasing the duration of ejaculation. During sex, using positions that require less stimulation are appropriate in this situation. For example, the position of sitting on a chair will increase the duration of ejaculation and long sex. In this position, the man should sit on a chair and his partner should take the task of going up and down. On the other hand, positions such as doggy style, which require more activity, reduce the duration of sex.

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