Marrying a narcissist

Marrying a narcissist

Narcissism, which is called narcissism in psychology, is one of the personality disorders. A person suffering from those attitudes, beliefs and morals always considers himself better and higher than others and praises himself under any circumstances. Dealing with these people is difficult.

Marriage with narcissistic people can bring you misery instead of happiness. After marrying these people, you will feel lonely in your life and your self-confidence will decrease.

Considering the destructive effects of such behavior on our common life, we would like to examine the characteristics of narcissistic people and the consequences of marrying them. So stay with us until the end for more information.

Marriage with narcissists

Marriage with narcissists

After marrying a self-righteous person, you should expect an unintimate and unhealthy relationship. Considering that marriage is one of the most important stages of every person’s life and its effects may remain for the rest of their lives, you should be very wise and rational in choosing a spouse.

People who have such moral character usually do not have empathy and unity with their spouses. One of the most important features that provide peace for a shared life is compassion for the other party. Many of the problems that eventually led to divorce were rooted in the wrong and selfish behavior of spouses with each other. Narcissists can break your heart in a relationship.

Unfortunately, many people call themselves strong and when they are interested in a narcissistic person, they claim that they will handle his behavior. In fact, these people are hurting themselves by denying the weakness of their emotional relationship.

Signs of a narcissistic spouse

These people are strangely self-important. They always like to be admired by others. Usually, by marrying narcissistic people, you feel lonely from the beginning until years after living together, but this person is always attractive to you and you feel dependent on him. In the following, we will examine the signs of narcissistic people in more detail.

These people have false self-confidence

Having high self-confidence is considered one of the good traits of humans, but when this behavior is too much in a person, it can create destructive effects in relationships with others. Self-confidence of narcissists is falsely high.

These people have an exaggerated behavior in showing their abilities and they always ignore the failures they have had. These people usually tell so many lies about their own success that they believe it themselves.

They always talk about themselves

After marrying a narcissist, you will find that they are always looking for an excuse to talk about themselves in any situation. Even if their spouse wants to change the subject, they will only have a short time. Because they talk about themselves again after a few moments. Premarital counseling

When discussing with such people, you will hardly be able to express your ideas, especially if they are not similar to his opinions. After hearing your opinion or idea, these people will modify it or ignore it. At times, you will find that your spouse speaks to you rudely and rudely to impose his opinions and correct your ideas.

They say very pleasant things to you

After this marriage with narcissists, you will realize that they have a very good power of speaking, that is why you will be attracted to them in the first meeting. These people easily make fun of others, especially their subordinates, but due to their attractive behavior and appearance, you will not notice their unpleasant behavior at the beginning of the relationship.

Indifference to the rules of society

This group of people even follow the rules of the society very hard and sometimes by ignoring them, they are trying to prove to others that the rules are not important to them. These people may disobey even simple traffic rules.

These people care a lot about their appearance

These people care a lot about their appearance

Paying too much attention to appearance is one of the priorities of a narcissist’s life. They usually attach great importance to their appearance in their first encounter with others. A self-righteous person spends a lot of time grooming himself. These people usually do not care about the appearance and clothing of their spouse, because they always consider themselves superior to him in this respect. A narcissist’s wife is always the second person in the relationship and must praise her partner unilaterally.

These people need love

A narcissist needs others to always love and praise him. They like to always be noticed by their spouse and until this need is not met, they show unpleasant behavior. Regarding marriage with narcissistic people, you should know that their love is only directed towards themselves. These people are jealous of their spouse’s relationships with others to the extent that they may force him to cut ties with friends, colleagues, and family.


As we mentioned, these people have a very good power of expression. For this reason, they have incredible fantasies about the future. These people may bore you with excessive explanations about the future and their dreams. Relationship between husband and wife during pregnancy

Narcissists are very quick-tempered

One of the characteristic features of a narcissist’s wife is that every word hits her quickly. When you don’t agree with him, you will see his short temper. These people like their spouse to devote a lot of time to them and to be shown as a lovely person. If you do not deal with them according to their wishes, you will face their bad temper.

They are looking for your weaknesses

These people observe others and make a list of their faults. So, after some time of marriage with narcissistic people, you will realize that they allow you to share your sorrows with them, just like a friend. This group of people will feel better about themselves after hearing these words and they always enjoy feeling superior to you. These people feel competitive with others and always take advantage of the weaknesses of those around them. You don’t feel lovable after marrying a narcissist.

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