Increased accountability

Increased accountability

The benefits of increased accountability are not hidden from anyone. Read the following article carefully to find ways to increase responsibility. Responsibility is one of the good qualities that can exist in humans. From the moment you wake up, you are faced with responsibilities that have been given to you by others or you have taken on yourself to achieve a series of goals. The process of becoming responsible is not difficult, but not being responsible will make your life difficult

Who is responsible?

Before dealing with ways to increase accountability, it is necessary to define accountability in order to better understand these concepts. Maybe you have heard these sentences;

     Someone is responsible

     This is vital work, don’t leave it to someone else, he is not responsible

     My child is not responsible and I am worried about his future

     Because you are not a responsible person, you cannot start this work

What characteristics can be seen in a person who is called responsible or irresponsible?

Who is responsible? A responsible person is a person who performs the duties and tasks assigned to him correctly.

* Accuracy in the above definition includes many concepts, such as on time, in the right place, with the desired quality and according to the desired process and result.

What are the benefits of increased accountability?

Increased accountability

Responsible people are known as reliable people who feel comfortable doing something when the responsibility is on their shoulders. At first glance, you might think about what other people think about me


When an employer sees you as a responsible and reliable person, he entrusts his project to you

When a boss or manager sees you as a responsible and reliable person, he will give you a good position in his company

When your parents consider you as a responsible and reliable person, you will enjoy more privileges and popularity in the family


So, being responsible leads to job promotion, social and family status, etc., and it is actually the first step in professional life. Being untrustworthy with others will gradually decrease your self-confidence and from one point to another you will find yourself incapable of taking responsibility. If you think of increasing responsibility, the following article will mention some solutions that will definitely work for you.

10 ways to increase responsibility

By practicing and repeating a series of simple actions, you can become a responsible person who is trusted by others and prone to promotion in various social and professional positions and…

Accept responsibility for what you can do

Increasing responsibility does not mean taking responsibility for many tasks. In fact, the first step in accepting responsibility is to accept responsibility for what you can do. No matter how much you try to do something, if doing something is beyond your ability and education, you will definitely not succeed in doing it and you will be known as an irresponsible person. marriage counseling

Be careful, every job has its own specialist, but nevertheless, some things are in your field of work, but not at your level of work, for example, if you are active in the field of architecture and your most successful building was a residential building with a size of 100 meters. And an employer offers you to build a tower, which you should not accept because of greed and ambition because you will not succeed in doing it.

keep going

Continuity is important in many matters, responsibility being one of them. If you are not consistent, you should forget about increasing responsibility. Have a plan to do things so that you can act purposefully and continuously. Do not be ambitious in planning and divide your goals into smaller goals

For example, if your goal is to become a professional graphic designer, first plan to learn the tools, then edit, then design, and then learn different design styles and move forward step by step, or for example, if you have bought a software training course. Do not try to take the whole course in one day, because this way, the possibility of your learning will decrease due to the amount of material, and you will not have the opportunity to practice and repeat, and in the end, you will not get a good result.

Do not look for the culprit

Don’t worry, you can always find many people to blame and blame your failures on them, rightly or wrongly So get out of this trap and take responsibility for your mistakes. You can think about increasing responsibility when you constantly improve yourself and learn from your failures.

When you realize that your weakness in math is because your math teacher can’t convey the material well, you have two options, either justify your weakness in math with the unprofessionalism of your teacher and withdraw, or go to other sources and trainings. Strengthen yourself.

When your friend bought a store due to the wealth he inherited from his father and earns good income from it, you have two options; You can justify your failure to earn a high income because your father did not leave you a fortune, or you can try harder and take responsibility for your life and continue with more effort.

don’t grumble

Having a negative outlook on life will lead to more problems. You must have come across people who are constantly complaining about the weather, traffic, high prices, bosses, colleagues, etc. How much do you think these people are? Will they succeed? Are they able to fulfill their responsibilities or do they complain and blame others for their failures?

Unfortunately, the level of success and responsibility in these people is very low, and they are usually known as grumblers and complainers, and few people are willing to cooperate with them. In fact, these people not only do not try to increase responsibility, but also put their responsibilities on the shoulders of others. They will throw.

Don’t make excuses

There are factors that are beyond our control and these factors are visible in any situation. It is in this situation that the difference between an irresponsible person and a responsible person is determined. An irresponsible person justifies his failure with these factors, but in fact he is making excuses and indirectly shows that he is not responsible. Seven signs of loving men

Usually the sentences of these people start with these words: “I wanted to do this but…”

Take responsibility for your actions! This does not mean that external factors do not affect your work, but it means controlling these factors to get your work done.

When it comes to increasing accountability, the first person to suffer from your lack of honesty is yourself. By doing this, you block the way to improve and improve and increase responsibility. If you make a mistake, accept it and learn from it and try not to repeat it again. In this way, you can hope for your progress in the field of responsibility.

Prioritize tasks to increase accountability

Increased accountability

As it was said at the beginning of the article, from the moment you wake up, you have personal and non-personal responsibilities, so it is necessary to prioritize them. Prioritize each responsibility according to its value and duration so that you can find time to do them all.

The procrastination trap

Do what you gotta do

Postponing the work to future days has no effect on the difficulty of the work, the amount of work, etc., and you are obliged to do that work under any circumstances. Try to manage your time in such a way that you reach all your tasks and responsibilities, otherwise you will end up with a lot of backlog.

Prove you are reliable

Relationships and trust are very important in your social, professional and family position as well as increasing responsibility, so take time to gain trust and confidence and prove that you are a responsible person and can handle your work.

Make wise decisions so they can count on you

Have you ever worried about someone’s reaction or actions while doing work or being in public? How much do you count on these people? Emotional intelligence and the decisions you make in different situations have a direct impact on how much people count on you. Wise and analytical decisions have both led to your success and gained others’ trust in you.

Skills you’ll find as you take on more responsibility

Responsibility itself is a skill, but after that you will find other skills;

     leadership skills

     problem solving skills

Those who are good leaders have many responsibilities on their shoulders that they must manage properly. Responsible people perform well in titles such as leadership. Also, because of proper management and prioritization of their responsibilities, their problem-solving skills increase and they can even help other people in this matter.

The most efficient and useful forces in any company and work field are responsible people, and employers and leaders welcome these people and consider suitable salaries and benefits for them.

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