I cheated on my wife, I have a guilty conscience

I cheated on my wife

I cheated on my wife, I have a guilty conscience, what should I do? Why did I cheat on my wife, do I have a guilty conscience? Why did I cheat on my wife?

Why did I cheat on my wife? I have a guilty conscience

“I cheated on my wife, I have a guilty conscience.” This is a sentence that some of the people who refer to Har Psychotherapy Clinic or from friends and family may hear.

It is necessary to know that all relationships do not end after infidelity and sometimes couples decide to continue the relationship for some reasons. One of the important reasons for infidelity is the lack of problem-solving skills between couples. Not having this skill will be a problem after betrayal, and the result will come to this;

I cheated on my wife, I have a guilty conscience

Torment of conscience after betrayal may happen to anyone who has committed betrayal, but its severity is different for everyone. A traitorous man or a traitorous woman does not differ from each other in this matter. In general, every person who cheats is trying to convince himself with different excuses, and unfortunately, in some cases, he thinks he is right. There is no doubt that betrayal cannot be justified by any reason.

The solution to get rid of the torment of conscience of betrayal and illicit relationship

There are solutions to get rid of the guilt and pangs of conscience caused by betrayal and illicit relationship, which you can take advantage of whenever you find yourself in this situation of “I cheated on my wife and I have a pang of conscience.” These ways will be mentioned below.

See a family psychologist

See a family psychologist

One of the most logical and reliable things to do is to consult a psychologist; Someone who deals with your problems without judgment or blame. The feeling of guilt of betrayal (Guilt of betrayal) alone makes a person feel self-blame, and if you discuss this issue with someone who does not know about such issues, his judgments and reactions will make you more disappointed. So, if for any reason you cannot see a psychologist, be sure to see a reliable person.

Discuss the issue with a trusted person

Trustworthiness plays an important role here. Betrayal is out of custom and ethics and may be abused by others, so be sure to share it with a trusted person. It is necessary for a person to be aware, literate and understanding to such an extent that he does not judge you and according to his experiences and studies, he puts a solution in front of you and opens up your vision.

Examine and analyze your feelings

The sentence “I cheated on my wife, I have a guilty conscience” is caused by a series of emotions. You need to investigate what this guilt is caused by.

     Do you regret the betrayal?

     If you find yourself in such a situation again, will you still cheat?

     Have you apologized to your wife?

     Trying to improve your relationship?

After answering these questions, you will gain more knowledge about your feelings. If your answer to questions 1, 3, and 4 is yes and no to 2, you can hope to get rid of the torment of the conscience of betrayal.

Admit your mistake

Admit your mistake


As long as you avoid speaking about your mistake, you cannot hope to get rid of the guilt of betrayal. You need to be honest about your mistake and allow your partner to have a realistic view of your mistake so that he can make the best decision about your relationship. marriage counseling christian

Do not rush to be forgiven

Betrayal is not a small incident and it takes time to digest. When you have committed infidelity, even after confessing and apologizing, you should not quickly expect your spouse to answer that he has forgiven you or not. You have to give him time to analyze the situation. It is better to leave him alone for some time so that he can make a decision more easily. How long does depression last after quitting addiction

Gaining the trust of the spouse

Naturally, after betrayal, the relationship is damaged, and the most important damage is the loss of trust. You have to work hard to regain lost trust. Ask your partner to express all his/her doubts and everything he/she thinks will gain his/her trust, then according to his/her words, provide the conditions to regain his/her lost trust. For example, it tells you to let me know where you want to go and send me the location

In normal circumstances, the location may not be an interesting event, but you should keep in mind that your situation is not a normal situation and your relationship has seen betrayal and mistrust once, so you should make more efforts to gain the trust of the other party.

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