Having sex before marriage

Having sex before marriage

Is premarital sex wrong?

Should we wait until after marriage to have sex with the person we love?

Does having sex before marriage cause the relationship between the two parties to cool down and reduce the possibility of reducing the commitment of both parties to the relationship?

Does having a premarital relationship have any advantages or are they all disadvantages?

If you have questions similar to the above, be sure to read the following article carefully to the end

Premarital sex

Sometimes the acquaintance of two parties in a relationship to communicate more with each other in order to get married leads to intense emotional relationships. Relationships that will eventually lead to sexual intercourse between them. Marriage counseling

There are different views and opinions about premarital sex, many people believe that these relationships have strengthened the relationship between the parties, and some say that based on their bitter experiences in this field, establishing a sexual relationship Before marriage, it can lead to a decrease in the interest of the parties, especially the male gender, to accept the obligations of married life and finally, the complete termination of the relationship.

In such cases, it is better for the parties to pay attention to several important points before having sex before marriage:

At what age did they enter into a relationship?

How did they get to know each other?

How long has it been since they met?

What is the commonality and difference in their opinions?

 To what extent are they similar to each other in terms of cultural, social, economic, family and religious levels?

 How much experience do they have in getting to know the opposite sex?

Sex at a young age !!

In general, the age of having sex between the parties of a relationship is very important. The fact that you think about such a relationship in the early years of your youth, when you are full of emotions and excitement, even though you want to experience it at an older age when you have more wisdom, can greatly affect the correctness of your decision.

We advise you from now on, if you are underage, do not involve yourself in sexual relations with another person who claims to love you. Because your feelings were definitely not expressed at the right time in your life and you still have time to think about these issues with a more open mind.

The time and position of sex proposal !!

How you meet is very important in answering this question. It is not at all correct that a very random person in a situation where he has seen you only once and the chance of seeing you a second time is very unlikely, would suggest you to meet and then have sex.

Be careful of the offers that are given to you in such cases. There is a difference between a relationship in which the parties ask each other to have sex because of a prior acquaintance, and a relationship in which the person in front of you meets you completely by chance and wants to get to know you better. Certainly, in such cases, you cannot claim that you have a good and complete knowledge of his past and have full confidence in him.

Sex at the beginning of the relationship !!!!

It is very wrong to want to have sex with someone from the very beginning. Even if you are thinking about this and want to experience such a relationship, it is better to give yourself time to choose a reasonable and reasonable person who can be trusted by you. Every relationship is not supposed to end with sexual intercourse between the parties. So value yourself as much as you can in this field.

Sometimes during a relationship, you realize that you have nothing in common with the other person, and even in most of the times when you were supposed to spend time together, you are arguing and arguing with each other.

In order to trust your partner more, it is better to pay attention to the amount of commonalities and differences of opinions that you have before anything else, and to reject the completely false idea that sex can save your relationship and reduce tensions with your partner. Put it aside altogether.

It is true that you seem like a mature and wise person and you believe that you can easily make decisions for yourself. But it is not better to compare your cultural, family, social and religious level before you think about premarital sex with another person. Stop making emotional decisions without any logical and reasonable support and make decisions for your relationship with open eyes.

Sometimes you allow the other person to have sex just because they don’t have much experience in this field and you think that if you resist this request, your relationship will be ruined and your other person will leave you. Basically, in such relationships, you still do not have the power to say no to your other party. We have to tell you honestly that if your partner really loves you to such an extent, that he decides to leave you after hearing your opposite opinion, it is better to let your relationship end as soon as possible than to want to Pay yourself a ransom for staying in a relationship that may even be too serious for you.

In general, it is important for every young man and woman of marriageable age to know that having sex before marriage is against the nature of a proper and successful marriage. It doesn’t matter what religion you are, however, you should know that most of the time having sex with the person you love before his official commitment to you has many disadvantages.

The most important disadvantages of premarital sex:

  Premarital sex can cause you to make an irrational and emotional decision instead of a wise and rational decision to choose your future life partner.

Although such a relationship is attractive and sweet to you at first, over time, under the influence of its secrecy and illegitimacy, it can intensify nervous pressure and stress in you.

Having sex before marriage in most cases reduces the commitment of your partner to you after a certain period of time has passed, especially when nothing is going the way you want in the relationship. .

Experiencing sex before marriage, which most of the time happens secretly from families, destroys the attraction of having sex out of commitment and based on cohabitation after marriage.

In most cases, such a relationship can easily make the other person distrustful of you, and of course, if this relationship ends in marriage, more sensitive and pessimistic.

maybe you Feel lonely in the relationship and it could effect your relationship.

Premarital sex gives you a false sense of pleasure that is very fleeting and this feeling can quickly turn into depression and eventually serious mental and emotional discomfort in you.

This relationship can become the basis of your sexually transmitted diseases with a person whose health you don’t know much about.

It increases the risk of pregnancy for women and girls. Don’t ignore the fact that the probability of pregnancy increases during your friendship and acquaintance with a person with whom you have sex is very high. Be careful in any society, even the most open societies. This type of pregnancy does not happen.

Sex before marriage is considered a mistake and a wrong thing for societies that are Islamic and the discussion of religion is very important in them, be careful not to question your character because of such an action.

Premarital sex for that group of people who do not intend to enter into a common life and get married soon, can become a factor for their desire for diversity. This group of people, due to the experience of sexual intercourse before marriage, consider themselves entitled to have many experiences with different people and think less about loyalty and commitment in the relationship.

Premarital sex should always remain a secret relationship. Be aware that there is a high possibility that you will be rejected from your family if those close to you know about such a relationship.

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