intimacy in the relationship

fight between husband and wife

Married people, even those who have been married for a long time, still have differences with each other, which in some cases provide the conditions for the formation of a fight between husband and wife.

After the fight, most of the couples try not to talk about the issue that caused the fight because they put an end to it and avoid further problems. But this is the worst thing to do, because not speaking up will only make the situation worse and lead to many more conflicts in the future.

It is not bad to know that experts consider a certain amount of fighting between husbands and wives to be healthy. But if the problems are not solved at the first opportunity, it can take the chance of a happy life and relationship from both sides.

So you may be asking how married people should handle disputes to prevent further fights. In this article, we present some practical points in this regard, so stay with us until the end of the article.

Accept your role in creating the fight

fight between husband and wife

It is natural that in a fight between a husband and wife, both parties want to react quickly to the words of the other party according to their instinct. Indeed, how many of you have tried to pay attention to the words of your other party during a fight and understand exactly what he wants.

Most of the time we just listen to answer. Pause, step back, and think for just a few minutes before reacting.

Check what was your role in the formation of this fight? Did you raise your voice? Did you try to control the situation or did you just make the other person angry by saying hurtful things?

When you can identify the root cause of the fight and accept what role you played in creating your marital conflict, you can look for solutions to prevent further arguments.

Learn to let go

During a fight, try to look inside yourself and get help from the love you have for your spouse. As you know, sometimes it is possible for one of the parties to get angry unintentionally, and if you think that the discussion about that issue is not important, it is better not to pay attention to it at all.

In fact, sometimes patience is the key to solving marital problems. You should only try to use the love and affection you have for your spouse and ignore trivial issues.

Pay attention only to the current issue of the dispute

Most of the couples, when they fight with each other, keep bringing up bad things from the past. Because no matter how much you have a great relationship with your spouse, it is completely normal to have differences and arguments. its sometimes Women’s mistakes in relationship to talk about the past in a fight

When you talk about past arguments and disputes, the current issue of the dispute is forgotten, which is also effective in intensifying the dispute. You just have to hold your hand and do nothing about the past. We recommend that you focus on the current problem and decide together how to solve it.

Also read: Why maintaining marital relationship is important for a happy marriage?

Control your nerves

In a fight between a husband and wife, raising your voice and hitting is one of the worst things that intensifies the argument. When one of the two parties shouts, the other will respond no matter how much he tries to control his nerves. Marriage counseling

So instead of making the situation worse by raising your voice, take a deep breath and take a few moments to find a reason or a solution. Getting away from the current situation is a great way to take control of the situation. For example, you can go for a walk to clear your mind. After you calm down, think again and this time you can look at the problem from your partner’s point of view to find a solution to end the attachment.

Allow each other to speak

fight between husband and wife

Listening well is a positive trait and everyone should be able to develop the trait of being a good listener. Keep in mind that if one of the two parties tries not to allow the other party to speak at all, the intensity of conflicts and disagreements will undoubtedly increase.

Both sides should try to respect each other’s opinion even in discussions and disagreements. If you feel that your spouse cannot solve the problem, stop persuading and influencing him. In a dispute between husband and wife, each of the two parties should patiently listen to the other party and deeply understand each other’s concerns.

Let your wife express her opinion easily, don’t jump in the middle of her conversation and don’t try to impose your opinion all the time. It is important for your partner to feel that you are listening. Try to focus on your spouse while speaking and after he/she speaks, tell about your feelings and views on the fight. Problems can be solved more easily with mutual attention.


In a fight, nothing is more powerful than an apology. Instead of focusing on whether the argument was right or wrong, acknowledge each other’s feelings and ease the bitterness with an apology. When the other party feels that you are ashamed of your behavior, the fight will not be dragged to worse places.

Do not underestimate the power of emotions

Try not to include logic in an emotional discussion, often the best conclusions do not always require logic and reasoning. When you can resolve the argument with love, affection and intimacy, your partner will feel more secure. Remember that nothing will be fixed by blaming each other, and if you are looking for a romantic relationship with your life partner, stop blaming him.

Do not make hasty decisions in a couple’s fight

Before jumping to conclusions about the fight, it’s best to first find out what your partner thinks about it. Such behavior is better than making up your own story and constantly bothering yourself with things that are only in your mind.

Try not to give too many wings to the topic and avoid creating an unrealistic story in your mind. If what your spouse is saying is unclear or confusing to you, ask for clarification instead of making assumptions.

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