conflict in a relationship

conflict in a relationship

Healthy relationships do not develop overnight, but require constant work and commitment and grow through kindness, compromise, forgiveness, effort and commitment from both partners. Every relationship is unique and goes through ups and downs, disagreements and conflicts. However, how couples manage can shape their relationship. Some couples may put aside minor differences or handle things gradually, while others may not know how to resolve such issues, which are life skills. In this post, you will learn about conflict in a relationship and ways to resolve such cases amicably.

What is conflict in a relationship?

Conflict is any type of argument, disagreement, quarrel or heated argument between two people in a relationship. For example, disagreements about vacations or real estate investments can lead to conflict.

Conflicts in a relationship share several characteristics that can show negative patterns that lead to meaningless or no results. Some of these common features include:

Dramatic or exaggerated behavior

Failure to take action to resolve the existing dispute

Forgetting the results of a conflict when it ends

Using vulnerability or confidential information to embarrass or embarrass a partner

Not showing fear of embarrassing yourself or your partner

Showing defensive behaviors or interrupting and discrediting the partner

Is conflict normal in a relationship? What is the importance of understanding in married life and how can it be achieved ?

Some conflicts are inevitable in a relationship. However, this does not mean that they cannot be solved. There are ways to create constructive and positive outcomes.

In healthy relationships, partners may argue or criticize each other, but are aware that their behavior is inappropriate. They may feel regret, talk to their partner and try to overcome such situation. When couples resolve their conflicts with respect and mutual respect, they take steps to strengthen their relationship as much as possible.

However, when conflicts become frequent, it can indicate underlying emotional issues or emotional abuse. If conflicts are not resolved, couples may become misunderstanding, vulnerable, frustrated, or even depressed.

What is conflict in a relationship?

Patterns of relationship conflict

Let us now discuss the types or patterns of relationship conflicts.

Dramatic and rapid escalation:

In this type of conflict, one partner quickly becomes aggressive with the slightest provocation, leading to loud expressions or yelling. The other partner is quiet. This situation ends when the aggressive partner runs out of energy.

Controversial rush:

One couple uses a series of completely sarcastic comments to provoke the other. When these impulses don’t work, the person creates more targeted attacks to create a reaction. However, the other partner remains calm. This conflict usually ends when the sarcastic partner gets tired and the other continues as if nothing happened. marriage counseling christian

Pull arguments:

One partner continues or follows the argument – picking out all the details, demanding answers and pressing personal opinions. In this type of conflict, the other couple usually avoids arguments and instead seeks harmony. This situation usually ends when the couple gets tired and can’t continue, or when the couple gets nervous.

Threats or intimidation:

One spouse threatens to humiliate the other. These threats can be emotional or physical. They use such threats to make their partner feel powerless in the relationship.

Avoidance of responsibilities:

When one partner is questioned or criticized, they react by blaming the other partner or making them feel guilty. Such partners are overly defensive of their performance and avoid real reasoning. This conflict ends when the dominating partner causes the other partner to take full responsibility.

Loud and noisy attacks:

This type of conflict may begin as a disagreement, but soon escalates into loud and boisterous attacks. Here, both partners may use the power of shouting. With their body language and constant yelling, the situation may seem like a battlefield. The conflict ends when both partners are either tired or leave the room.

Looking for answers:

One spouse tries to find answers and reasons that they believe are not shared with them. The other partner may avoid such conversations and want to maintain privacy. When such conflicts turn into suspicions, things get worse.

Dramatic arguments:

This type of conflict arises when one partner is overly vocal in expressing their opinions or disagreements. The other partner may make fun of the situation. The conflict may end when one partner lets go of their feelings or makes a dramatic exit, and the other undermines or invalidates things.

Good/Bad Boy:

This type of conflict usually happens in caring and committed couples. When one partner begins to question or criticize, the other partner withdraws. Although they may feel that this is not justified, they try to keep the peace. After a dispute, the dominant partner feels guilty and the other partner emerges victorious.

What factors cause conflict in relationships?

What is conflict in a relationship?


Relationship conflicts arise for various reasons. Let’s discuss some common ones.

Lack of intimacy:

When each spouse feels that they are not sharing their feelings with their partner, conflict may arise due to misunderstandings. Lack of emotional intimacy can make it difficult for couples to have meaningful conversations.


Conflict can occur when one partner takes too much and makes the other partner feel undermined or insignificant. It may become difficult to manage power in the relationship and lead to discord and dissatisfaction.

Family involvement:

Although your near and dear ones provide a complete support system, their excessive involvement may, at times, lead to conflict between the couple. Differences of opinion, unauthorized advice or interference in personal affairs may increase the differences between couples.

Failure to communicate:

Lack of open and honest communication between couples can not solve problems. This can lead to arguments or disagreements.


Constructive criticism should be welcomed by both people to improve their relationship. However, when this is done by pointing fingers or belittling your spouse, it can lead to relationship conflict.

Commitment level:

When there is a difference in the amount of commitment and effort put into the relationship, one partner may feel that he or she has all the responsibility. Conflict may arise due to differing expectations.

Unrealistic expectations:

Every relationship goes through its ups and downs. However, some couples may have unrealistic expectations of a perfect and happy relationship. This may also cause disagreements and disagreements.

Selfish behavior:

Problems can arise when one partner does not consider the needs, choices, or wishes of the other. This selfishness can make it difficult to build a healthy relationship.

How to resolve conflict in a relationship?

Disagreements and conflicts happen, but what matters is how you deal with them. Here are some effective tips to help you resolve relationship disputes.

Open and honest communication:

It is important to have open and honest communication with your partner. This will help you discuss both the problems and the positives. Try to create an environment where you can easily talk about your feelings, wishes or issues.

be calm:

It’s easy to stay calm during heated arguments. However, try to remain calm and direct your arguments with sensitivity and empathy. Avoid using sarcastic comments, picking pockets next to each other, or excluding each other. However, if you feel like you always have to back down to prevent your partner from exploding or getting angry, this may be a dysfunctional relationship.

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