Anxiety during pregnancy

Most of the pregnant women feel a lot of anxiety during this period, perhaps despite the fact that anxiety is very normal in the early and late stages of pregnancy, so there is no need to worry, but if the level of anxiety is so high that it disrupts her life and the lives of those around her, it is necessary to seek the help of a specialist psychologist. .

Since most women experience anxiety and stress during their pregnancy, we are going to talk about anxiety during pregnancy.

Stress and anxiety during pregnancy

Anxiety means experiencing emotions such as fear, worry and stress, which can have a great impact on human life, but if the amount of rest in people, especially pregnant women, is not controlled, it can disrupt their lives and those around them.

But in general, the presence of anxiety in women is completely normal, provided that stress and worries during pregnancy cannot have a negative impact on married life and even on a person’s life.

Perhaps the changes that occur in the level of hormones can affect people’s moods, and these hormonal changes cause pregnant women to experience anxiety and worry.

When the personal life and daily activities of pregnant women are disrupted due to severe anxiety and stress, this worry is also known as pregnancy anxiety, which is included in the category of anxiety disorders or mood disorders.

What are the symptoms of anxiety and stress during pregnancy?

What are the symptoms of anxiety and stress during pregnancy

Most of the pregnant women feel a lot of anxiety during this period, perhaps despite the fact that anxiety is very normal in the early and late stages of pregnancy, so there is no need to worry, but if the level of anxiety is so high that it disrupts her life and the lives of those around her, it is necessary to seek the help of a specialist psychologist. .

Since most women experience anxiety and stress during their pregnancy, we are going to talk about anxiety during pregnancy.

Stress and anxiety during pregnancy

Anxiety means experiencing emotions such as fear, worry and stress, which can have a great impact on human life, but if the amount of rest in people, especially pregnant women, is not controlled, it can disrupt their lives and those around them. Anger control counseling

But in general, the presence of anxiety in women is completely normal, provided that stress and worries during pregnancy cannot have a negative impact on married life and even on a person’s life.

Perhaps the changes that occur in the level of hormones can affect people’s moods, and these hormonal changes cause pregnant women to experience anxiety and worry.

When the personal life and daily activities of pregnant women are disrupted due to severe anxiety and stress, this worry is also known as pregnancy anxiety, which is included in the category of anxiety disorders or mood disorders.

What are the symptoms of anxiety and stress during pregnancy?

Anxiety during pregnancy third trimester

Each of these signs are symptoms of anxiety during pregnancy that need to be discussed with a specialist psychologist. Marriage counseling

Since most women may not feel good about movement during pregnancy, they can contact the clinic to benefit from individual counseling services.

What are the causes of anxiety during pregnancy?

In general, all women who are pregnant experience feelings of anxiety and stress, for example, they become aggressive and experience excessive anxiety. In the following, we mention the most common causes of anxiety during pregnancy.

     Fertility problems

     Stress and anxiety at work

     Family history of being precocious

     Experience of childhood abuse

     Previous experience and history in depression, anxiety and panic attacks

     Unfortunate and dangerous pregnancy race such as abortion and..

     Experiencing stressful events such as the death of a loved one and..

     Not having a good partner in common life with understanding during pregnancy

     Lack of social and financial support during pregnancy

     Problems like disputes, domestic violence, etc.


These are just some of the causes of anxiety and stress in pregnant women that we have mentioned.

Does anxiety during pregnancy affect the fetus?

As we mentioned earlier, the presence of anxiety and stress in the first three months of pregnancy and also at the end of pregnancy is normal, but if this anxiety is severe, it can have destructive and negative effects on the fetus. If the anxiety and stress you have during pregnancy is severe..

We recommend that you control your anxiety level as soon as possible by using psychological solutions by a therapist, instead of being greedy about this issue and thinking about your child all the time. For this, you can take advantage of the online counseling sessions of Psycho Aram Psychology Clinic. became

In the following, we mention the effects of anxiety during pregnancy on the fetus. Psychological effects of anxiety during pregnancy on the fetus


     Problems in controlling emotions

     Cognitive developmental disorders of children


and.. that these are the psychological effects of anxiety during pregnancy on the fetus.

It is important to note that if you are constantly crying and experiencing anxiety, your child may be more likely to have mental disorders in the future.

Difficulty in speaking, classifying content and changes in language development, etc. are among the negative effects of anxiety during pregnancy on girls. Perhaps, at this time, you can benefit from child counseling sessions.

Physiological effects of anxiety

Physiological effects of anxiety

According to researchers, the higher the mother’s anxiety level, the shorter the baby’s height is compared to the height of babies whose mothers do not have anxiety and discomfort, because there is a relationship between the height of the baby and the mother’s anxiety. For example, mother’s anxiety in the first month of pregnancy will have a great impact on the baby’s weight.

Also, this anxiety causes changes in the blood flow of the fetus and the baby, and the oxygen and nutrients needed by the child are hardly transported to the developing organs of the fetus.

Medical effects

Children whose mothers suffered from anxiety during pregnancy and even after giving birth will suffer from diseases such as asthma, shortness of breath, etc. Physical diseases are also encountered.

Perhaps mothers who experience severe and long-term anxiety may give birth to their children with a low weight and earlier than the promised time (premature birth). And the child may experience behavioral or emotional challenges in the future.

Behavioral effects

Anxiety during pregnancy can cause the baby to be restless after being born with repeated long cries.

     Irritability of the baby

     Negative effects on the development of children’s nervous system

     Poor interaction between mother and child

     Children’s excitatory responses to normal sounds in the first nine months of life

     Implementation of different reactions in facing stressful events


How to reduce anxiety during pregnancy?

How to reduce anxiety during pregnancy

  1. Participation in anxiety reduction activities

Activities that reduce the amount of rest in you can be very effective in these factors.

For example:

Yoga, meditation, walking but not too much, light exercises under the supervision of a specialist doctor can reduce your anxiety and release energizing hormones such as endorphins in your body.

You can do a 5-minute sports activity recommended and approved by a specialist doctor to reduce your anxiety.

  1. Rest enough

It is very important that pregnant women get enough sleep and rest. So it is important to pay a lot of attention to this issue. Sleep whenever you feel you need sleep and don’t blame yourself for it.

  1. Writing fears and worries

If you don’t like to talk about your worries and fears with those around you, you can write down your thoughts and feelings. For better results, you can write daily and organize them well by facing your worries.

  1. Breathe deeply

After consulting with a medical professional, you can try deep breathing to help reduce your anxiety

  1. Consultation with an expert psychologist

Talking to a psychologist can help you to reduce the weight of Esteghlal Square with some effective solutions.

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