Psychologist of emotional problems
Who is a psychologist of emotional problems? The best psychologist for emotional problems? Application of the psychologist emotional problems? What are the reasons for seeing a psychologist for emotional problems?
What are emotional problems?
Before talking about emotional problems with a psychologist, it is necessary to know about the meaning of emotional problems in order to understand what problems are considered emotional problems.
What is an emotional problem? An emotional problem is pain or injury that originates from non-physical sources.
Where these pains originate is not always the same; Sometimes pains are the result of other people’s behavior and actions and sometimes emotional relationships. Certainly, the root cause of emotional problems does not end with these two cases, and other cases can also play a role in its occurrence, such as; Regret, failure, sadness or personal loss and…
Although emotional problems are less investigated than physical problems, they are very effective in the life situation. For example, when a person has a simple illness such as a cold, he goes to the doctor quickly, but when he has emotional problems, it takes time to treat it. leaves and does not look for a reasonable and scientific solution. Emotional problems show themselves in different ways, which will be discussed further and their solutions.
Why is it important to recognize emotional problems?
It was mentioned above that unfortunately most people realize the existence of an emotional problem but do not look for a scientific and reasonable solution to treat it. Let’s find out and go to a psychologist for emotional problems to treat them.
Communication between people
In healthy, effective and honest relationships, people suffer from emotional problems much less than in other relationships. Apart from communication styles between people, relationships need order and effective communication for their progress. In psychology, there is a big difference between the type of communication between men and women, but when you get married, it is very important to find your common ground in this matter. In couple therapy sessions, most of the problems between couples are due to lack of effective communication with each other. Psychologist specializing in obsessions
There are many ways to improve and create an effective relationship between men and women, some of the most important ones will be mentioned below.
Reflect on your conversations and examine their strengths and weaknesses
People do not have the ability to read minds, your wife is an ordinary person, so you should not expect her to read your mind and refrain from expressing your interests, needs and feelings.
Some feelings may not be comfortable for you or your partner to talk about, but it’s important to be honest about them anyway.
There is a need to be heard in all human beings. In fact, when someone talks to you about an issue, they are not necessarily looking for an opinion, sometimes they just need to be heard. So be a good listener and give your spouse a chance to talk.
Momentary and emotional reactions may seem worthless at first glance and become normalized with expressions like “in a fight, they don’t do charity”, “you said one, you heard the other”, “what happened” etc., but you should know that none of these sentences justify words. You hit others without thinking.
No one is supposed to make mistakes. Of course, even with an effective relationship, sometimes there will be differences and problems, but it is important that your efforts are aimed at creating and improving an effective relationship and managing the relationship. Remember that the relationship is a two-way thing and your one-sided effort to improve the relationship will not have a good result, so it is necessary that you both make an effort. marriage counseling christian
Choosing the wrong topics for socializing and discussion
Talking and socializing about some issues causes problems for individuals or couples in their relationships and eventually causes discomfort and annoyance to each other. Some people say when they go to a psychologist for emotional problems, “whenever we talk about a certain topic, we fight.”
Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t mean that you should never talk about some topics, but you should first weigh the topic and see if it has a place in your relationship or in that situation, and if it does, express it in a peaceful and friendly way, at least with less annoyance. You can solve your problems.
Do not tag each other.
Do not ask in a creditor tone
Answer thoughtfully
Do not speak profanity or disrespect.
Symptoms of emotional problems according to the psychologist of emotional problems
Be careful that the following characteristics must occur repeatedly or continuously to be a sign of emotional problems. Humans may experience any of these feelings naturally, and their repetition is a sign of emotional problems.
Deep sadness, sadness or depression
Extreme distress 😫
Loneliness and isolation
Negative emotions
Horror 😨
Feeling worthless
Emergence of emotional problems
There are different feelings in humans that eventually become emotional problems. It was mentioned above that emotions such as anger, sadness, sadness, etc. exist in all of our lives, but the fact that these emotions occur continuously will be a reason to refer to a psychologist for emotional problems. In the following, some causes of emotional problems and referring to a psychologist for emotional problems will be discussed.
Feeling sad
Sadness and sadness are feelings that you may experience several times in a day, but you don’t have emotional problems. These feelings are among the simplest feelings, and they may appear because the lid of the can is not opened while cooking.
But the point is that sometimes you wake up and feel sad, you walk and feel sad, at lunchtime, during exercise, etc. When discomfort continues and the things that used to make you feel good no longer have the same effect on you, it can be said that they are a sign of emotional problems.
Stifled emotions
Have you ever heard such expressions?!
“I haven’t said much”
“I never had the courage to talk about my needs”
“I was not allowed to comment”
These sentences and many sentences that smell of not being heard and being suppressed can be an important factor in the occurrence of emotional problems in humans. Example;
Unfortunately, couples suffer a lot of emotional problems by not talking about their marital relationship and not seeing their needs and tastes in their marital relationship. Words that are not said out of shame and embarrassment or fear of being ridiculed expose many couples to emotional problems.
worry and anxiety
Fear and anxiety cause the release of adrenaline, so it will be more difficult to return to your calm state. Anxiety will cause you not to perform correctly and planned, go to all kinds of painkillers and sedatives, make hasty decisions, etc. and eventually you will have emotional problems. It is very important to refer to a psychologist for emotional problems in these cases.
A solution to emotional problems
The treatment of emotional problems is a very important concern, and in this regard, the source of these emotional problems must be addressed first so that the best treatment can be considered. According to the severity and type of emotional problems, the following two ways are used to treat emotional problems:
Psychotherapy from the psychologist of emotional problems for the treatment of emotional problems includes approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). In this method of treatment, the focus is on identifying negative thoughts and feelings that emotional problems originate from or cause them to intensify, after that it is focused on replacing these thoughts with more adaptive and realistic thoughts and behaviors. Rovan Aram Clinic with experienced doctors and psychologists in this field is ready to provide you with services.
drug therapy
The psychologist will not prescribe medication for emotional problems and you will be referred to a psychiatrist. In this regard, in addition to psychotherapy, drugs will be prescribed to solve emotional problems, which can include the following drugs:
Antidepressants: including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Prozac (fluoxetine) and Zoloft (sertraline).
Anti-anxiety medications: including benzodiazepines such as Valium (diazepam) and Xanax (alprazolam).