Signs of male indifference to women

What are the signs of a man’s inattention to a woman?

Sometimes, a man pays little attention to a woman in relation to his partner or wife, and this also causes harm and problems for the woman, for this reason, we intend to point out some signs of male inattention to women and the solutions that can be used to prevent this inattention.

Signs of male neglect

  1. He doesn’t spend time with you

One of the most important items for the health of the relationship between men and women is that they both spend time for each other, while men who are not attentive to their wives consider little time for their wives and do not engage in activities or have fun with their wives. The problem is that the woman gradually becomes isolated and does not want to communicate with the man.

  1. Not paying attention to feelings

One of the signs of a man’s inattention to a woman is not paying attention to the woman’s feelings. Naturally, in any emotional relationship, a man and a woman expect to be heard and their feelings understood by their spouse. And it is the feelings of each other that most men do not pay enough attention to their wives due to their pride or any other reason. Over time, this also causes men and women to experience emotional divorce, and the only way to deal with this issue seriously is to consult a psychologist.

  1. They don’t want to have sex

We know that sex has a great impact on the emotional relationship of couples, and the health of emotional relationships and the health of sexual relationships have a two-way relationship. Maybe if a man avoids sex and does not want to bring his wife to sexual pleasure, the couple may have a coldness in the relationship. and face problems and disputes, and it is important that couples benefit from marriage counseling sessions.

Signs of male indifference to women

  1. Failure to express interest during the day

One of the ways that can increase the quality of the couple’s emotional relationship as well as the sexual relationship is to express interest during the day between a man and a woman. Most men refuse to express their interest either verbally or physically, while this can It will be very effective in improving the relationship between the two.

  1. Lack of respect for women’s opinions

One of the most important signs of a man’s disregard for a woman is his lack of respect for his wife’s opinions. Naturally, in any emotional relationship with a partner or wife, the parties need to be understood and accepted when the woman does not see this understanding and acceptance from her husband and from If her opinions and views are insulted by a man, she will certainly suffer heartbreak and resentment

  1. He does not accept his mistakes

One of the signs of maturity in an emotional relationship, whether in a joint life or in relation to a partner, is that when the parties make a mistake, they take responsibility for the mistake and do not blame the other party for everything. His absence is for his mistakes.

Because he blames his mistakes on his wife and does not accept that sometimes the problems that arise in the relationship are due to his mistakes, which eventually causes coldness in the emotional and sexual relations of the couple or partner. Successful marriage after divorce

  1. He is not happy when he sees a woman

Naturally, a man who is in love with his wife is very happy when he sees her and smiles and tries to express his love and interest to his wife with romantic looks, but when a man is not paying attention to his wife, he is not excited to see her and he does not appreciate her beauty. It does not remind

  1. Deliberately hurts the woman

One of the other signs of a man’s inattention to a woman is that he doesn’t pay attention to the woman’s feelings, and for this reason, it doesn’t matter whether the woman is angry with him or not, that’s why he makes the woman angry or upset, supposedly by doing things that the woman likes. does not have or by saying words that the woman is offended by hearing, even if it is a joke

  1. Inattentive men cause a decrease in self-confidence in women

Of course, all women deserve to feel beautiful and to know that someone loves them. One of the signs of neglecting a woman is that instead of feeling beautiful, a woman feels that she is not lovable and considers herself less than others.

While a man should try to keep the feeling of beauty alive in a woman and constantly remind her of her beauty and attractiveness, this will also make her smile and be happy, while if a man does not remind her of a woman’s beauty, she will eventually feel broken. And he loses his confidence.

  1. Not staying at home

Of course, every man in love likes to spend the rest of the day with his wife after finishing his daily chores at work, while men who do not pay attention to their wives prefer to spend their free time outside the house alone or with their friends. It causes the woman to feel lonely and unable to deal with her daily affairs well

  1. Betrayal

Another sign of a man’s inattention to a woman is cheating. We certainly know that cheating is not only having sex or secretly communicating with the opposite sex, but that men and women do things away from their spouses’ eyes that they do not do in front of their spouses. If they refuse, this issue is considered treason. Therefore, if a man, far from being with his wife, does things that he knows will upset his wife, this is also considered neglect and betrayal of the woman.

  1. Criticize

One of the other signs of men being too emotional and not paying attention to a woman is that instead of appreciating her efforts and efforts, he criticizes her. This criticism can be about a woman’s work at home or about her appearance and figure, for example, why is she so fat? You are so skinny, why haven’t the dishes been washed and… Premarital counseling

Signs of male indifference to women

All of these cause the existential value of women to decreaseForever, a woman should see her popularity and love only in completing her tasks and duties and being seen as her husband wants, not as she is.

  1. Not listening to a woman

Men who are inattentive to their wives do not pay attention to what the woman says and act as if they did not hear or forgot about it. In these cases, it is good for the woman to ask the man and by asking the man to pay more attention. Take him to listen to his words.

  1. Not defining women

As stated, one of the ways to deepen the emotional and sexual relationship between a man and a woman is to compliment each other during the day and remind each other of their beauty, kindness and positive moral qualities when the man does not deal with this relationship. Between him and his wife, it gradually becomes unstable and may cause their emotional divorce.

Because women like to be complimented by their husbands during the day and to be reminded of their beauty, this is also true for men, it is necessary for women to be reminded of the beauty and efforts of a man and to appreciate him.

How to deal with our insensitive spouse?

In this section, we are going to point out solutions that can help you to establish a better and closer relationship with your spouse. Express your unhappiness to the man in a clear way, which means don’t try to express your unhappiness with gestures and gestures or with dramatic behaviors. Basically, men don’t recognize the main intention of women in these behaviors, and it is necessary to be very clear with them. speak

Try to be a good listener for your wife. It is true that sometimes the man does not pay attention to you and does not listen to your words. However, you should practice being a good listener and teach him to practice listening well. Dedicate time to your spouse, you can even change the place of the conversation so that you can talk to him in a romantic and non-repetitive environment.

You clearly express your expectations from your wife, what needs and wants you want and need from your wife, you don’t need to be far from your own reality and change yourself for your wife and of course to be loved by her, but be your own reality. And be honest with him because your honesty can show him how you feel in any situation

Get help from a psychologist

Taking help from the expert guidance of a psychologist can help you to be able to attract the attention of your wife with completely effective and specialized methods. This issue needs to be examined by a therapist.

Perhaps, if your wife does not want to attend these sessions, you can benefit from the face-to-face or online sessions of the Psycho-Aram Psychology Clinic alone, and with the help of consultation from the clinic’s counselors, you can increase the quality of your emotional and sexual relationship with your spouse. Please contact us listed on the site page.

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