Online psychological counseling counselingforfamilies
For a long time, seeing our compatriots living abroad who were looking for help from counselors and psychologists who speak their own language, we thought of creating a safe platform for these loved ones so that they can work with expert and committed psychologists instead of paying exorbitant fees for foreign psychologists who do not speak the same language. be internally connected. By using the team’s evaluations and gathering the experiences of the psychologists specializing in counselingforfamilies, we discovered the concerns of our compatriots and put all our efforts to respond to the needs of loved ones who were outside and were deprived of the counseling services of counselingforfamilies, and we are very happy that We were able to offer a practical and reliable product on the Internet platform, in line with the needs of users and in line with our product slogan, “Yarivi, your constant friend”.

We at counselingforfamilies want to provide fast, cheap and accessible facilities for counseling to everyone by providing quality online psychological counseling services along with the new features required by users, so that they can go to an expert psychologist at any time they want from far and near countries. Connect with people of the same language and culture and get help from him. To make this wish come true, we combined high specialized knowledge with hard work with love for work and we are happy that we were able to take a step towards improving the level of mental health of our compatriots.