16 golden tips before marriage that you must know!

16 golden tips before marriage that you must know !

Marriage is an important stage of every person’s life. The success of people in passing this stage is the guarantee of their success in many other stages of life. Having sufficient awareness and information about this issue is a requirement for success in marriage. Due to the great importance of this stage, the knowledge before marriage is also very extensive. People should note that the breadth of important points before marriage should not cause them to get tired and give up more knowledge

Important points before marriage include a group of dos and don’ts that all marriage candidates must follow in order to have a happy and stable marriage. In addition to the fact that each person meets these requirements personally, he should note that he will be successful in marrying someone who also has the right knowledge of what to know before marriage. In this article, we have prepared a list of important points before marriage, the study of which will add important information in this field to the audience’s awareness. types of men personality in psychology

  1. Awareness of possible mental disorders

Acute mental disorders can easily affect social, economic, personal situations and issues like this. As a result of the effectiveness of the mentioned issues of mental disorders, it can be expected that people’s marriages will also be severely affected by these disorders. Even in cases where each of the parties has mild mental disorders, a disorder may have a destructive effect on the marriage. If there is such a problem, it must be discussed with the family counselor. before marriage tips

  1. Acceptability of appearance

If you are one of those people who have heard from people around you that the appearance of people in marriage is not important and this issue becomes normal after some time, or even if you are one of those people who give such advice to those around you, then we must say that you are very wrong. Of course, it is not necessary to look for a person who has a lot of beauty for marriage. If a person has an appearance that is approved by the other party, the case of appearance issues is closed and the lack of interest in the appearance of the other party will not cause coldness in the relationship.

  1. Family unity

The fact that the families are on the same level means that there is compatibility at the family level of the parties. The cultural, financial, educational, ideological level and such issues should be appropriate so that couples do not face problems caused by lack of compatibility in the future.

  1. Educational compatibility between couples

People’s educational status is one of the things that couples should be compatible with each other. Expressing this point does not mean that it is necessary for each couple to have the same degree as the other, and for example, both of them must have a bachelor’s or doctorate degree. The meaning of this point is that there should not be a big difference between the educational qualifications of the couple. For example, one of the couple has a master’s degree and the other does not have a bachelor’s degree.

16 golden tips before marriage that you must know !

  1. Amount of income

The amount of income is one of those points that completely depends on personal agreements between two people. Couples must decide what income level they are interested in marrying. Of course, in this case too, moderation and proportion should not be neglected. In the traditional view of marriage, which is the responsibility of the family’s breadwinner, it is better for men to seek marriage with a woman who has a lower income than their own.

  1. Proportion in religious beliefs

One of the most important points before marriage is that people marry someone who has religious beliefs that are close to their own. In this situation, the amount of arguments and conflicts between couples will be significantly reduced. On the other hand, there will be no differences between couples such as how to raise children. Of course, the existence of differences and disproportion between people’s religious beliefs in a situation where each of them has high tolerance and can respect each other’s opinions and beliefs will not cause much problem, and it is the responsibility of counselors and psychologists to recognize this ability in people.

16 golden tips before marriage that you must know !

  1. Agreement on the place of residence

Couples should agree on this important issue before marriage. Ignoring an agreement on this issue may cause disputes between couples in the future, which will lead to separation.

  1. Appropriate age difference

Considering that people at any age have different moods and needs, couples should have a suitable age difference. If the age difference of the couple is more than the standard amount, due to the lack of compatibility in their needs and desires, their marriage will face many problems and possibly failure, so do not ignore this point of knowledge before marriage. Marriage counseling

  1. Determining the red line

The red lines are a group of criteria of each person that are very important. Passing these criteria by the person himself and his future spouse will not be acceptable for the individual, and if these criteria are ignored by the future spouse, their marriage will face the risk of failure. For example, it is important for a person that his wife performs daily prayers, or for another person it is important that his future wife never smokes. It is very important that these issues are clearly stated before marriage.

Of course, it is important for each couple to be flexible about some of these criteria. This point does not mean that the red lines of each person are completely ignored, but it only expresses the important point that when getting married and starting a family, it is necessary for the parties to be flexible in matters of less importance and avoid strictness. Avoid unnecessarily.

  1. Perfectionism is prohibited in choosing a spouse

Many people mistakenly think that they should choose a partner for their life who does not have any defects or problems. One of the most important points before marriage is to accept that no human being is perfect. People who have a perfectionist view of choosing a spouse usually have problems in choosing the right person and their efforts to get married remain fruitless.

On the other hand, if these people are unaware of the important points before marriage and find a person whom they consider perfect in every way, they will be discouraged from life after starting a life together and getting to know the other party’s shortcomings and weaknesses. The reason is that these people do not consider the existence of flaws and weaknesses in the opposite party to be normal and do not expect to face the weaknesses.

16 golden tips before marriage that you must know !

  1. Personal perfectionism is prohibited

Another type of perfectionism shows itself in the expectations a person has of himself. A group of people spend a lot of time preparing themselves for marriage in various fields. When these people are asked about the time of their marriage, they always state that they are not ready for marriage. These people expect a lot from themselves, and with this process, they may never see themselves ready for marriage or they may feel ready for marriage when it is too late and they are past the right age for marriage. before marriage tips

  1. Compensation for defect or marriage

There are a group of people who think that if they marry a person who has moral characteristics opposite to their weaknesses, they can compensate for their weaknesses. For example, a person who does not have proper financial management and is a spendthrift, tries to marry someone who has proper economic management ability and thus covers up his problem. However, this is not a good way of thinking and it shows a shunning of one’s responsibility. how to control stress

  1. Love alone is not enough for a lasting marriage

One of the important points before marriage is that the parties know that love is not the only thing they need to start and continue their life together. Although emotions play an important role in the beginning and continuation of marriage, other important points should be considered for a successful marriage.

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